For a complex query you can often get a list of the base table RowIDs very 
quickly with a simple query and then use an array of those values (along with 
the carray virtual table) to retrieve sections of data from the complex query 
almost instantly. I've been doing this for a while but would love to find a way 
of doing it automatically. The problem is as follows

Suppose I have the following query

SELECT ColA, ColB, ColC, ....
FROM BaseTbl
jointype_1 Tbl1 on comparison_1
jointype_2 Tbl2 on comparison_2
jointype_n Tbln on comparison_n
WHERE ....

and I want a list of the BaseTbl's rowid's for all records returned by the 
above query in
the order defined by ORDER BY. I also want it in the fastest possible way. In 
other words I

FROM BaseTbl
jointype_1 Tbl1 on comparison_1
jointype_2 Tbl2 on comparison_2
jointype_n Tbln on comparison_n
WHERE ....

with all redundant tables removed.

The question is, how to determine what tables are redundant?

Obviously any table involved in the WHERE or ORDER BY has to be retained aa 
does any table
acting as an intermediate to join those tables back to the BaseTbl.

Of the other tables I'm thinking I can discard table_i provided it's joined to 
the BaseTbl by a table_i unique index and comparison_i covers all columns of 
that index. It's fairly obvious if jointype_i == left join but I'm thinking it 
works also for inner join. Can anyone give me a counter example?

Anyone think of other ways?

I'm also wondering if the result produced by 'explain query plan' could 
simplify the coding although I know use of that isn't recommended as the 
structure of it is not guaranteed.

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