The article is a bit muddled, the only real argument I could find is that
auto-inc makes next keys easy to guess, which is information leakage, which
means that is a potential security problem if that information were somehow

Seems to me that problem can be resolved by having an auto-inc type that
skips a random amount on every insert? E.g. the next id is the last ID +
randomFromRange(1, 10000).

UUIDs are nice though if you don't have a natural key available and you are
generating keys on multiple systems. Sadly, they are strings in sqlite, and
it would be more efficient to store and compare them as their 128-bit
representation. Is there an extension that can do that?

I don't know about the collision rate; if your systems are set up in a sane
way, the MAC address alone would prevent collisions, no? And on the same
system, are collisions even possible?

On Thu, Nov 30, 2017 at 4:01 PM Keith Medcalf <> wrote:

> Well, in my opinion the guy is an idiot.  The way to avoid the issues he
> is describing as the problems with serial IDs (or using the RowID) are
> simple to avoid:  DO NOT DO THOSE THINGS!  If you know that disclosing the
> RowID in a URL is ungood, then DO NOT DO THAT.  Sheesh.  As my good buddy
> Buggs Bunny would say "What a maroon!".
> Nonetheless, I have created an SQLite extension for Windows (2000 or
> later) that will generate UUIDs using the builtin Windows RPC interface.
> Apparently similar facilities are available on other OSes though all in
> different manners (different functions in different libraries).  Note that
> the silly proxies for the RPC functions are so that the compiler can
> maintain correct linkage to the RPC libraries when using function pointers
> -- the linkage through function pointers cast to (void*) works on 64-bit
> Windows but not on 32-bit Windows.  On 32-bit windows not using a proxy
> function to maintain the correct linkage results in the stack frame
> corruption.
> Also, uuid generation function for V1/3/4/5 are available in the Python
> standard uuid library, not mentioned in the article.
> File is sqlfwin.c located in
> for the 32-bit Windows
> versions; or
> for the 64-bit Windows
> versions
> Source is the same in both, .dll compiled with MinGW (dependencies
> only to standard windows DLLs and to the subsystem runtime library).
> SQLite3 UDF functions returning blobs (16-byte UUID) are:
> uuidCreateV1()
> uuidCreateV4()
> uuidFromString('text-uuid-rendering')
> And returning textual renderings are:
> uuidStringCreateV1()
> uuidStringCreateV4()
> uuidToString(uuid-blob)
> The create functions are volatile (like the randomblob function), and the
> To/From string functions are deterministic.
> sqlfwin.c also contains some other Windows API functions for working with
> the builtin windows security such as looking up names and sids, checking
> whether the current process access token contains a given sid/name, getting
> the current process access token username, computername, FQDN, and a few
> others.
> ---
> The fact that there's a Highway to Hell but only a Stairway to Heaven says
> a lot about anticipated traffic volume.
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: sqlite-users [mailto:sqlite-users-
> >] On Behalf Of Simon Slavin
> >Sent: Thursday, 30 November, 2017 07:16
> >To: SQLite mailing list
> >Subject: [sqlite] Article on AUTOINC vs. UUIDs
> >
> >Thought some of you might enjoy seeing this article.  I make no
> >comment on what I think of the reasoning therein.  It’s set in the
> >PostgreSQL world, but you could make an external function for SQLite
> >which generates UUIDs.
> >
> ><
> >increment-is-a-terrible-idea/>
> >
> >"Today, I'll talk about why we stopped using serial integers for our
> >primary keys, and why we're now extensively using Universally Unique
> >IDs (or UUIDs) almost everywhere."
> >
> >Simon.
> >_______________________________________________
> >sqlite-users mailing list
> >
> >
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