In my application, we are  supposed to save a timestamp every 10 seconds. To 
achieve this, we read data from a table say GlobalStatistics and the update the 
same GlobalStatistics with a new set of data.
This operation happens after every 10 seconds apart from the other tasks that 
the application performs.
I encounter this error, especially when the application remains idle(not 
necessarily the cause or the reason)

PID:02FB0036 TID:06B60006 SQLite error (14): os_win.c:36317: (31) 
winOpen(\------\TTDB.db3-journal) - A device attached to the system is not 
PID:02FB0036 TID:06B60006 SQLite error (778): os_win.c:34215: (5) 
winWrite2(\----\TTDB.db3-journal) - Access is denied.
PID:02FB0036 TID:06B60006 SQLite error (778): statement aborts at 17: [UPDATE 
GlobalStatistics SET Value = '00:24:10',ResetValues = '00:24:10' WHERE 1 = 1  
AND Id = 5]
PID:02FB0036 TID:07FB038E CPU load: 100%   Change in heap memory: 523944 bytes
PID:02FB0036 TID:06B60006 SQLite error (2570): os_win.c:36492: (31) 
winDelete(\----\TTDB.db3-journal) - A device attached to the system is not 
PID:02FB0036 TID:06330356 CPU load: 100%   Change in heap memory: -674056 bytes
PID:02FB0036 TID:07FB038E CPU load: 100%   Change in heap memory: 534344 bytes
PID:02FB0036 TID:06B60006 SQLite error (14): os_win.c:36317: (31) 
winOpen(\----\TTDB.db3-journal) - A device attached to the system is not 
PID:02FB0036 TID:06330356 CPU load: 100%   Change in heap memory: -48928 bytes

As of now, this is the fix I have thought of

1.        A Journal file gets created as a backup on every transaction, as in 
Update or Insert. This file gets deleted after the transaction is committed.

2.       I assumed that the journal file goes 'Read Only' sometimes because of 
which Delete operation fails.

3.       To fix it, every time I come across a SQL Lite error 14, I change the 
read only property of the Journal file.

Even after the changes, we still come across the error.
I would appreciate any kind of help.

P.S: This is a single thread doing the Read and update operation.


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