There are many julian-day website sources, but this one is correct present-day all the way back to 4712 B.C. (not including what should be 46BC to AD8 leap year anomalies due to early priests LY every 3 year error corrections).

Use this site:

A.D. 1 Jan 1st 12:00:00


SELECT julianday('0001-01-01 12:00') AS jd
1721426correct answer is 1721424
SELECT julianday('1582-10-04 12:00') AS jd
2299150 correct answer is 2299160


Impact: Astronomical data, historical and religious data.

David Simmons (ts-lang, afm)

How Found: My code uses separate tsl time-fmt libraries I wrote long ago as part of (AOS/AFM) QKS Smalltalk which parse time and dates. I was running unit-tests through SqLite databases and dates were not round tripping properly through SqLite conversion.

If needed, I can help with providing the correct equations/implementations for the entire JulianDate time span cycles and dealing with mean tropical year adjustments, etc for astronomy etc.
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