On 08-12-17 14:13, Simon Slavin wrote:

On 8 Dec 2017, at 7:02am, Peng Yu <pengyu...@gmail.com> wrote:

I'd like to dump all the tables to separate files, one table one file.
Each file should be in TSV format.

Is there a convenient way to do so in sqlite3?
There’s no direct output from the SQLite library to produce TSV format.

You could write one in your own programming language.

Alternatively, you could script the SQLite Command-line tool to produce your 
.tsv files for you.  Take a look at section 15 of


which you might want to use with

.mode tabs

sqlite-users mailing list

On Windows you can use this batchfile:
@echo off
set DB=somedirectory\yourDBfile.sqlite
sqlite3 %DB% -batch ".tables" >c:\temp\dump.tmp
for /f "usebackq" %%i in (`type c:\temp\dump.tmp`) do sqlite3 %DB% -batch ".mode tabs" -batch "SELECT * FROM %%i" >%%i.tsv

Let /me know if you do not use Windows, this can be rewritten to work on another OS too ;)

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