On 19 Dec 2017, at 1:30pm, Karl Forner <karl.for...@gmail.com> wrote:

> and the dumps usign the .dump sqlite3.exe command are also identical.

Paul has a better chance of understanding the hex dump than I do, but what I 
think I’m seeing is trivial differences in file organisation.  In other words 
some pieces of data are stored in a different order in the two databases.

I’m not sure why this could happen in a situation where you start with two 
identical Docker images.  Might they run out of caching space at different 
times because background processes ran differently ?  Having caches written to 
the database in a different order could cause the sort of thing you’re showing 

Your tests — sha3sum checksum and using .dump — both say that the databases 
have identical contents.  As a last possible check you might want to run this 
in the shell tool on both copies:

PRAGMA integrity_check;

I’m betting that you see no errors on either copy.  Whatever the differences 
between the two copies are, they're harmless as far as SQLite is concerned.  
But I have no idea why they might have happened.  I hope Mr Sanderson or one of 
the development team have some ideas.

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