Hi Bob-
thanks for the great info.

I will try to word this part more carefully.
I am not worried about the information in my DB being
secured or i would just use mysql. Sometimes a webhost
wont use software like some tcl extension or other for
various reasons including but not limited to security
on their servers.  I am just trying to see how a
webhost might look at the possibility of sqlite on
their system.  I'm guessing because php5 is new that
because most webhosts are still running php4 on shared
hosts that it may be a reason why sqlite is not listed
on many hosts feature list yet.  Or maybe they just
assume and it goes without saying that it would be
easy to add sqlite to someones account.  

Most stuff i would do is used with minimum security
because i am not an expert enough to warrant that
someones information is secure (because my
understanding of security is rather limited).

I might want to secure access to the page where i
enter the data though.  I wouldnt want anyone to be
able to insert data into the database.  Just read

i will be making some inquiries to 1stchoiceweb and
olm.net about sqlite.

thanks very much,

> SQLite is not secure, but you can contact Dr. Hipp
> to discuss solutions 
> to this that you can license.

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