Hi all,

I am very happy with the inclusion of LSM extension in sqlite3's code base.
I have a question regarding
the merging of segments within the database.

I noticed that autowork enabled was not enough for keeping disk consumption
at bay, the generated database
was N times larger than the generated by sqlite3. Using lsm_work(db,1-1,0)
after every transaction seems to
mitigate this and the disk footprint of the db gets back to normal. This
seem to be explained by Mr. Kennedy
here http://www.sqlite.org/src4/doc/tip/www/lsmusr.wiki#explicit_scheduling

* What does exactly do lsm_work(db,1,-1,0) ? My assumption is that it
merges all the on disk segments into one larger
segment, is this correct?

* Doing this after every transactions of course takes some tool on
performance and everything goes significantly slower. What
is the best way of running lsm_work? in a separate thread like it is
mentioned in sqlite4's documentation?

* Finally, can I call lsm_work less aggressively in terms of parameters? I
am worried about virtual memory consumption so I'd rather not do
a full lsm_work every time, something like.. merge until there are no more
elements with delete markers on it?

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