On Tue, Dec 26, 2017 at 3:31 PM, Keith Medcalf <kmedc...@dessus.com> wrote:

> Heavens forbid!
> How is it possible to work if not from a Command-Line window?  That is,
> Seriously how can anyone get any work done at all without having a command
> prompt at which one, how to put this, types commands?
> I happen to be one of those that holds Ashton-Tate's dBase II (or was it
> III, anyway, one of them) had the absolute best interface ever designed --
> a completely blank screen with a . in the upper left corner as a prompt at
> which you entered commands.  Absolutely beautiful design with absolutely no
> useless crap to get in the way!
> The first thing be consigned to the bitbucket on *ANY* Operating System
> worth using is the "Graphical User Interface".  And if you cannot get rid
> of it (like windows) its sole purpose is to open a command prompt to, you
> know, prompt for commands.
> Graphical User Interfaces are mostly designed by maroons for use by other
> maroons.  There are a few (very few) things which a GUI is any good for.
> Issuing commands and software development is not one of them.  (I have
> never seen a Graphical Editor that works worth a pinch of coon-poo, and
> so-called IDE's are useless steaming turds as well, most dependent on
> completely unusable editors -- the absolute worst abomination being, of
> course, Visual Studio).

​Well, this is very off-topic for this forum. But I'll interject that I
generally agree with you. However, I do think that some things are better
in a graphical environment. Such as, say, a paint program? {grin}. Now, for
an interactive SQL interface, I like using SQLite's command program; or
PostgreSQL's psql. I haven't really tried any SQL GUI interfaces other than
Oracle's. I use it mainly because it's all that I was given on the Windows
desktop at work. I haven't seen very many "character mode" applications any
more for things such as Word Processing or Spreadsheets. I did use Word
Perfect and​ Lotus 1-2-3 back in the MS-DOS days. But today's users want a
word process which is WYSIWYG and want their spreadsheets to create pretty
*π* charts.

> ---
> The fact that there's a Highway to Hell but only a Stairway to Heaven says
> a lot about anticipated traffic volume.

I have a theory that it's impossible to prove anything, but I can't prove

Maranatha! <><
John McKown
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