--- John Stanton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I think you miss the point about Sqlite.  It is just
> a part of your CGI 
> program - you don't need any help from the ISP, just
> a directory with 
> enough disk space for the Sqlite file.   For a
> modestly sized web 
> application it is a great way of handling your data.
> If you are using PHP you just need to know that it
> has Sqlite 
> incorporated, which I believe is standard these
> days.
> JS
Hi John LeSueur and John Stanton-

the account doesnt come with php5 installed by default
so i have to custom compile it and add it to my
account.  if php5 was set up for shared hosting
automatically at this host, then i could just
dynamically load it using the php.ini file (if it was
available). but since i will be compiling it

It is interesting to note however if i can have
permission to custom compile it, a webhost who is
offering it could also compile php5.  They may not
offer sqlite in the version they compiled for everyone
to use. Not everyone may have this ability to custom
compile using ssh with their host.  Why anyone would
do this to their customers i have no idea.  This is
part of what i needed to find out.  olm.net wouldnt
give me a definitive answer one way or the other for a
couple of weeks. i may wait around for their answer. 
so there is maybe a weeding out process of some things
"that are included" depending on who you are dealing
with.  like you say though i hope and it will probably
be standard.   

First, open a troble ticket to support department with
request to enable SSH access for your account and add
your username to the group compiler.

Then do the following to compile PHP 5:
etc. etc. bunch of instructions go here
when i compile php5 i will include this option

so i now have a webhost(s) to use and the instructions
on how to do it.  

thanks for all your help :-)


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