On 28 December 2017 at 02:55, Simon Slavin <slav...@bigfraud.org> wrote:

> On 27 Dec 2017, at 6:10pm, Nikhil Deshpande <ndeshpa...@vmware.com> wrote:
> >> Can you include a "pragma integrity_check" at startup ?
> >> Can you include a "pragma integrity_check" executed at regular
> intervals ?
> > The writer process does "pragma quick_check" on every startup at init,
> > bails out on failure and spawns a separate thread to do same
> > "pragma quick_check" every 5 minutes (opens it's own separate DB handle
> > and closes it). Would changing quick_check to integrity_check be
> > helpful? (Would integrity_check catch such corruption earlier than
> > quick_check? Would it hold longer exclusive locks on the DB file
> > that could prevent reads?)
> Changing "quick_check" to "integrity_check" may help in this case may be
> useful in investigating your problem.  "integrity_check" is far more
> thorough and checks every aspect of data integrity from both directions.
> However, the type of corruption you’re experiencing may be one which is
> spotted just as well by "quick_check".  There’s no way to know without
> checking it.

I haven't checked the code but the docs say:


> The pragma is like integrity_check
<https://sqlite.org/pragma.html#pragma_integrity_check> except that it does
not verify UNIQUE constraints and does
> not verify that index content matches table content. By skipping UNIQUE
and index consistency checks,
> quick_check is able to run much faster than integrity_check. Otherwise
the two pragmas are the same.

Based on my personal experience/testing, quick_check still reads the entire
DB. The only type of corruption I've ever seen integrity_check report which
quick_check didn't was an index lacking an entry for a particular ROWID (in
an otherwise well-formed DB). Coupled with Nikhil's tests I'm certain
quick_check will catch this type of corruption.

So the only scenario left to worry about is an index corruption (ie. one
only detected by integrity_check) happening first, which somehow leads to a
DB page corruption AND masks the original index corruption. Doesn't seem
likely, but switching to integrity_check would rule out any chance.

It does take longer than quick_check, but how much longer will depend on
how big your indices are. On a 2GB DB I've measured 200 seconds for
quick_check vs 300 seconds for integrity_check, but that was over NFS.

I don't think either check takes an EXCLUSIVE lock on the DB? But a
competing writer might, which ends up locking out readers until the check
finishes (and the write completes).

I agree with Simon you're not doing anything obviously wrong... This is
listed in the how to corrupt page, but I'll ask anyway because it's a
subtle one: do any of your processes open the database file, for any
reason, without going through sqlite's API?

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