Am Fri, 29 Dec 2017 19:59:12 +0100 schrieb Andrea Aime:

> With SQLite R-Tree I'm using either a join with the index virtual table, or
> a subquery
> retrieving the ids from the rtree. Regardless, the query is basically
> ordering SQLite
> to use the index.
> So I was wondering, is there any opportunity to run a blazing fast
> pre-query against
> the index that will tell me whether joining/subquerying into the rtree is
> going to be a win, or not?

I had good results in a similar situation with this strategy:

First, query the overall extent of your data, like this:
SELECT MIN(mingx),MAX(maxgx),MIN(mingy),MAX(maxgy) FROM flst_shape_index;

Second, for every spatial query, calculate the size of the area in

Then, with these two rectangles, you can calculate the LIKELIHOOD that a
particular record in your data is located within the requested area, i.e.
meets the spatial criteria.

Let SQLite know about that likelihood in a JOIN query, using the LIKELIHOOD
function ( Also, if
possible, give LIKELIHOOD information to the query planner for any other
criteria used. SQLite will consider them.

HTH Wolfgang

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