Consider the hypothetical CTE concerned with displaying the n'th coin flip
of a random series as follows.  [This is a simplified proxy for any
computation where an earlier computed table supplies the parameters for a
later computed table.]

sqlite> .v
SQLite 3.22.0 2018-01-12 23:38:10

--This way works as expected: note how the final select is not joining the
params table.
sqlite>  WITH params(n) AS (VALUES (5))
 ,coinflip(flip,side) AS (SELECT 1,random()>0 UNION ALL SELECT
flip+1,random()>0 FROM coinflip)
SELECT flip,side FROM coinflip WHERE flip%5=0 LIMIT 3;

--However, there is an infinite loop when params table column "n" is used.
 WITH params(n) AS (VALUES (5))
 ,coinflip(flip,side) AS (SELECT 1,random()>0 UNION ALL SELECT
flip+1,random()>0 FROM coinflip)
 SELECT flip,side FROM coinflip,params WHERE flip%n=0 LIMIT 3;

--Also infinite loop.
--Simply cross join params table without using any columns from it.

 WITH params(n) AS (VALUES (5))
 ,coinflip(flip,side) AS (SELECT 1,random()>0 UNION ALL SELECT
flip+1,random()>0 FROM coinflip)
 SELECT flip,side FROM coinflip,params WHERE flip%5=0 LIMIT 3;

--So, what's going on here?  [params] is a constant one row table!  How can
it be adding any rows to the output set let alone an infinite number?

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