I reported this same issue in May 2017 (http://mailinglists.sqlite.org/cgi-bin/mailman/private/sqlite-users/2017-May/072714.html) I too consider this a problem (diffing dumps is one good reason why) but, unfortunately, this was an intentional change by this check-in:

[7359fcac] Increase the number of significant digits in floating point literals on ".dump" output from the shell.

-----Original Message----- From: Iulian Onofrei

This is clearly a bug, as it outputs incorrect and different output from the
previous versions.

I have a "REAL" column with float values having up to 2 decimals, and using
".dump" with the latest version incorrectly converts them like this:

"0.05" -> "0.050000000000000002775"

I rely on dumps to track changes to some databases, so this breaks it
completely, and I currently had to pin sqlite to an older version which
isn't desired.

Thank you,

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