On Tue, Feb 13, 2018 at 2:03 PM, Simon Slavin <slav...@bigfraud.org> wrote:
> [...]
> There are two possibilities:
> A) The SQLite API was used correctly, including being allowed to close all 
> files it opened.
> B) Any other situation.
> If (A) happened, you can predict things about the database header and you can 
> rely on SQLite documentation about the format of files it uses.  Otherwise 
> you can't.

Thanks Simon for the quick response. Can you clarify the following:
- Does this imply that a SQLite database may be left in some kind of
unrecoverable, corrupted, or otherwise invalid state in case an
application would terminate without calling sqlite3_close() on all
open database connections?
- If yes, what can a programmer do to protect the data in case an
application is abruptly terminated for any reason?
- Would using SQLITE_DEFAULT_SYNCHRONOUS=3 (extra durable) help
mitigate this kind of possible corruption?

I think this is especially important for mobile apps which may be
terminated without notice, especially when using hybrid app frameworks
such as Cordova/PhoneGap.

> However, the SQLite library goes through heroic measures
> [...]

I am sure that this was at the cost of many heroic programmer hours.

> The SQLite header is less than 100 bytes long.  It all fits within one sector 
> / page of a storage device i.e. the entire header is written in one 
> operation.  If you ever discover an inconsistent header there's a bug in 
> SQLite.  The contents of the header are listed in
> <https://sqlite.org/fileformat.html#the_database_header>

Thanks for the clarification.

>> - Any recommended explanations or resources to understand how it may
>> be possible to obtain the correct sqlite database information (such as
>> WAL or other journal mode, actual database size, number of pages,
>> page/cache size, etc.)?
> PRAGMAs are available for retrieving all this information.  See
> <https://sqlite.org/pragma.html#pragma_journal_mode>
> <https://sqlite.org/pragma.html#pragma_page_count>
> <https://sqlite.org/pragma.html#pragma_page_size>
> The size of the database is page_count * page_size.  Other PRAGMAs on the 
> same page provide other information which might be covered in your "etc.".

Makes sense ... assuming that the database is not corrupted beyond the
heroic repair mechanism:)

> If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to ask them here.

Will do. Looking forward to the requested clarification. Thanks for
the answers so far.
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