On 2018-02-17, at 17:36, Richard Hipp <d...@sqlite.org> wrote:
> The current behavior of the printf() function in SQLite, goofy though
> it may be, exactly mirrors the behavior of the printf() C function in
> the standard library in this regard.
> So I'm not sure whether or not this is something that ought to be "fixed".

Printf's handling of unicode is inconsistent in other ways, too. I suspect that 
there's still undefined behavior floating around in there too. Even wprintf 
isn't entirely unsurprising:

% env
% cat localized.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <wchar.h>

int main() {
wprintf (L"'%4ls'\n", L"äöü");
% cc localized.c
% ./a.out
' ???'
% cat delocalized.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <wchar.h>
#include <locale.h>

int main() {
setlocale(LC_ALL, "");
wprintf (L"'%4ls'\n", L"äöü");
% cc delocalized.c
% ./a.out
' äöü'
% uname -a
Darwin Stonehenge.local 16.7.0 Darwin Kernel Version 16.7.0: Thu Jan 11 
22:59:40 PST 2018; root:xnu-3789.73.8~1/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64

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