I don’t want to sound negative or get massively flamed, and I love getting the 
daily SQLite mailing list digests, but has any thought been given to making 
this material easier to read and digest?  The 1970s style all-ASCII format is 
I’m sure simple to assemble and maintain, but it is extremely hard to parse and 
as a result much less valuable than it could be.  I usually grit my teeth when 
I realize I really should read the discussion on a particular topic.  The 
information is also (AFAIK) lost if you don’t happen to see/read/archive it 
when it flows by.

I believe the technology for this kind of thing has advanced substantially 
since the ARPAnet (😊), and I regularly receive other material that is much 
easier and more pleasant to access.  I don’t have any specific proposals; ideas 
could range from just better and easier-to-read formatting of the present 
mailings to a shift to some stack overflow-like website where issues and 
questions can be discussed, upvoted, and searched.  I know SQLite is not a big 
organization and I’m sure they don’t want to be in the business of managing a 
complicated online presence, but I assume this can be outsourced.

Again, I love the product and value the community; just bringing this up as a 

Randall Smith

sqlite-users mailing list

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