Hi all

I am using Python 3.6.0 and sqlite3 3.20.1. I am getting the message ‘database 
is locked’ which, from reading the docs, I think is coming from an SQL_BUSY 

It does not behave in the way I expect. I tested using two concurrent 
connections – call them conn_1 and conn_2.

1. conn_1 performs an INSERT.

2. conn_2 performs an INSERT.

3. conn_1 sleeps for 1 second, then performs a COMMIT.

4. conn_2 sleeps for 1 second, then performs a COMMIT.

After step 2, the database is locked, which I understand. I don’t know which 
connection is holding the lock, but I don’t think that matters.

What I expected to happen was that, after one second, whichever connection was 
holding the lock would COMMIT, which would free up the other connection, which 
would then complete normally.

AFAICT, what happens in practice is that the lock is held for the default 
timeout of 5 seconds, then the connection which did *not* hold the lock fails 
with ‘database is locked’, and the connection which *did* hold the lock 
completes normally.

Is there any way to get the behaviour that I am looking for?


Frank Millman
sqlite-users mailing list

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