Hi all,

I just recently got the SQLITE_FULL error while trying to insert a row
into a table.  What does it mean when the database is full?  Out of
disk space perhaps or did I hit some internal constraint?

Here's a except from my log:
Oct 14 17:49:19 [8048/3899832] ERROR: SQL statement failure executing:
"INSERT INTO category (taxonomy_id, category_uid, version,
Oct 14 17:49:19 [8048/3899832] ERROR: VALUES
Oct 14 17:49:19 [8048/3899832] ERROR: (
Oct 14 17:49:19 [8048/3899832] ERROR:  (SELECT rowid FROM
taxonomy_description WHERE name='TRG-CACIVP'),
Oct 14 17:49:19 [8048/3899832] ERROR:  '294790203',
Oct 14 17:49:19 [8048/3899832] ERROR:  '_NO_VERSION_',
Oct 14 17:49:19 [8048/3899832] ERROR:  (SELECT rowid FROM
category_state WHERE state='TRAINING' )
Oct 14 17:49:19 [8048/3899832] ERROR: );
Oct 14 17:49:19 [8048/3899832] ERROR:
Oct 14 17:49:19 [8048/3899832] ERROR: " because "database is full".

I'd appreciate any feedback you have on this error.

Thank you,


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