R Smith-2 wrote
> This seems like a whole assignment, and we are not in the habit to do 
> assignments for people,
> BUT, we can get you started down the path.
> You should know how to do all you are asking by simple RDBMS mechanics, 
> except maybe how to initialize a table with all dates and other things 
> pre-populated, so to assist with that....
> Here is a query that will produce all days of the year (without Sundays) 
> plus their week days (and I've expanded for lesson blocks too, but you 
> will probably need to add/edit as I don't know the exact values, but the 
> method should be clear). You can JOIN this to the other tables 
> containing courses and such to populate the hours table.

I did not even think that you would do the job for me.
However, thank you very much for the path you showed.
That's what I wanted to, to get me started down the path.
Thank you very much!

Best, Pál
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