On 3/15/18, Edwards, Mark C. <mark.c.edwa...@leidos.com> wrote:
> I put the amalgamated 3.22.0 release into my production code.  Windows 10 is
> the customer execution platform. Do I need to update?

Probably not.  A complete list of bugs fixed so far for 3.23.0 can be
seen in the draft release notes at

On the other hand, if you want to run with the latest pre-release
snapshot (downloaded from the https://www.sqlite.org/download.html
page) that would be great.  We always appreciate beta testing.  Let us
know if you encounter any problems.  Note that I ran a complete TH3
test overnight last night (on linux) with no issues reported.  That's
197,490,286 tests.  The snapshot is table.

D. Richard Hipp
sqlite-users mailing list

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