My hunch is that you need to change the while() line to:
while ( (rc = sqlite3_step(pStmt)) != SQLITE_DONE )
But I could be wrong, and I don't have a computer with a C compiler to test 
this right now. 

Terence MacDonald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
The following code is part of a class member function that loads data
from an existing database. The database has been opened and there IS
data in the target table. I have had it working with callbacks, but
using the prepare/step/finalise approach below I consistently get the
log message:

Step : ERROR - not an error

i.e. the 'sqlite3_step' loop returns only once indicating an error but
the error message says 'not an error'. Can anyone spot my silly error?

string sql = "SELECT name,value FROM setting;" ;
sqlite3_stmt *pStmt ;

LOGLN("SQL: "+sql) ;
if( sqlite3_prepare( db, sql.c_str(), -1, &pStmt, 0 ) != SQLITE_OK )
LOGLN(string("Prepare: ERROR -")+sqlite3_errmsg(db)) ;
int rc ;
while( rc=sqlite3_step(pStmt) != SQLITE_DONE )
if( rc == SQLITE_ROW )
string name = (const char*)(sqlite3_column_text(pStmt,0)) ;
string value = (const char*)(sqlite3_column_text(pStmt,1)) ;
settings[name] = value.c_str() ? value : "" ;
LOGLN(name+"="+value) ;
else if( rc == SQLITE_BUSY )
LOGLN("Step: BUSY") ;
continue ;
else if( rc == SQLITE_ERROR )
LOGLN(string("Step : ERROR - ")+sqlite3_errmsg(db)) ;
break ;
else if( rc == SQLITE_MISUSE )
break ;
sqlite3_finalize(pStmt) ;

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