2018-03-23 21:52 GMT+01:00 David Raymond <david.raym...@tomtom.com>:
> This gets a little ugly. Was stuck for a while wondering what the heck was 
> going on until I found out that the modulo operator can return negatives. 
> Which makes absolutely no sense coming from someone who was a math major, but 
> hey, now I know. It's also fun that %w "day of week" goes Sunday to Sunday, 
> but %W "week of year" goes Monday to Monday (And then your school weeks go 
> Friday to Friday)
> Tables and fields have been renamed slightly from the previous emails. The 4 
> tables I'm putting here are all static, so you can put them at the front of 
> your CTE with values clauses if you really, really want to make it one big 
> select statement from no tables.

Thank you very much.
I was already thinking of using static tables.

I modify your code a little: we call school years like this:
'2016/2017', '2017/2018' and so on.
Then I run it and then I realized there were breaks and holidays in a
school year.
Those days of holidays and breaks should be excluded from the result records.
Moreover, there are teaching Saturdays too, when on a Saturday we must
to take Lessons. Eg. on 2018-04-14 we must go to school and take
Lessons according to the Friday timetable. These teaching Saturdays
should be added to the result with UNION clause.

So I created more tables and now I have the Lessons.db with these clauses:
PRAGMA foreign_keys=OFF;
CREATE TABLE SchoolYearDates
    SchoolYear text NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY COLLATE nocase,
    StartDate text NOT NULL COLLATE nocase
        CHECK (date(StartDate) IS NOT NULL ),
    EndDate text NOT NULL COLLATE nocase
        CHECK (date(EndDate) IS NOT NULL )
INSERT INTO SchoolYearDates VALUES('2017/2018','2017-09-01','2018-06-14');
CREATE TABLE TeachingSaturdays
    SaturdayDate text NOT NULL COLLATE nocase
        CHECK (date(SaturdayDate) IS NOT NULL ),
    TimeTableDay text NOT NULL COLLATE nocase
INSERT INTO TeachingSaturdays VALUES ('2018-04-14','F');
INSERT INTO TeachingSaturdays VALUES ('2018-05-05','M');
CREATE TABLE SchoolVacations
    VacationName text NOT NULL COLLATE nocase,
    StartDate text NOT NULL COLLATE nocase
        CHECK (date(StartDate) IS NOT NULL ),
    EndDate text NOT NULL COLLATE nocase
        CHECK (date(EndDate) IS NOT NULL )
INSERT INTO SchoolVacations VALUES ('Winter Break','2017-12-25','2018-01-09');
INSERT INTO SchoolVacations VALUES ('Spring Break','2018-03-30','2018-04-09');
INSERT INTO SchoolVacations VALUES ('Summer Break','2018-06-15','2018-08-31');
    HoliDayName text NOT NULL COLLATE nocase,
    StartDate text NOT NULL COLLATE nocase
        CHECK (date(StartDate) IS NOT NULL ),
    EndDate text NOT NULL COLLATE nocase
        CHECK (date(EndDate) IS NOT NULL )
INSERT INTO HoliDays VALUES ('Name 1','2017-10-21','2017-10-21');
INSERT INTO HoliDays VALUES ('Name 2','2017-11-11','2017-11-11');
INSERT INTO HoliDays VALUES ('Name 4','2018-02-15','2018-02-16');
INSERT INTO HoliDays VALUES ('Name 3','2018-02-27','2018-02-27');
INSERT INTO HoliDays VALUES ('Name 5','2018-04-22','2018-04-22');
INSERT INTO HoliDays VALUES ('Name 6','2018-05-01','2018-05-02');

    DayID integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY ,
    DayAbbrev text NOT NULL COLLATE nocase,
    DayName text NOT NULL COLLATE nocase
INSERT INTO DaysOfWeek VALUES(0,'Su','Sunday');
INSERT INTO DaysOfWeek VALUES(1,'M','Monday');
INSERT INTO DaysOfWeek VALUES(2,'Tu','Tuesday');
INSERT INTO DaysOfWeek VALUES(3,'W','Wednesday');
INSERT INTO DaysOfWeek VALUES(4,'Th','Thursday');
INSERT INTO DaysOfWeek VALUES(5,'F','Friday');
INSERT INTO DaysOfWeek VALUES(6,'Sa','Saturday');
    WeekNumber integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY ,
    LessonBlock text NOT NULL COLLATE nocase
INSERT INTO LessonBlocks VALUES(1,'1-2');
INSERT INTO LessonBlocks VALUES(2,'3-4');
INSERT INTO LessonBlocks VALUES(3,'5-6');
INSERT INTO LessonBlocks VALUES(4,'7-8');
INSERT INTO LessonBlocks VALUES(5,'9-10');
INSERT INTO LessonBlocks VALUES(6,'11-12');
INSERT INTO LessonBlocks VALUES(7,'13-14');
INSERT INTO LessonBlocks VALUES(8,'15-16');
INSERT INTO LessonBlocks VALUES(9,'17-18');
INSERT INTO LessonBlocks VALUES(10,'19-20');
INSERT INTO LessonBlocks VALUES(11,'21-22');
INSERT INTO LessonBlocks VALUES(12,'23-24');
INSERT INTO LessonBlocks VALUES(13,'25-26');
INSERT INTO LessonBlocks VALUES(14,'27-28');
INSERT INTO LessonBlocks VALUES(15,'29-30');
INSERT INTO LessonBlocks VALUES(16,'31-32');
INSERT INTO LessonBlocks VALUES(17,'33-34');
INSERT INTO LessonBlocks VALUES(18,'35-36');
INSERT INTO LessonBlocks VALUES(19,'37-38');
INSERT INTO LessonBlocks VALUES(20,'39-40');
INSERT INTO LessonBlocks VALUES(21,'41-42');
INSERT INTO LessonBlocks VALUES(22,'43-44');
INSERT INTO LessonBlocks VALUES(23,'45-46');
INSERT INTO LessonBlocks VALUES(24,'47-48');
INSERT INTO LessonBlocks VALUES(25,'49-50');
INSERT INTO LessonBlocks VALUES(26,'51-52');
INSERT INTO LessonBlocks VALUES(27,'53-54');
INSERT INTO LessonBlocks VALUES(28,'55-56');
INSERT INTO LessonBlocks VALUES(29,'57-58');
INSERT INTO LessonBlocks VALUES(30,'59-60');
INSERT INTO LessonBlocks VALUES(31,'61-62');
INSERT INTO LessonBlocks VALUES(32,'63-64');
INSERT INTO LessonBlocks VALUES(33,'65-66');
INSERT INTO LessonBlocks VALUES(34,'67-68');
INSERT INTO LessonBlocks VALUES(35,'69-70');
INSERT INTO LessonBlocks VALUES(36,'71-72');
    DayOfWeek text NOT NULL COLLATE nocase,
    Grade int NOT NULL ,
    Class text NOT NULL COLLATE nocase
INSERT INTO TimeTable VALUES('M',7,'b');
INSERT INTO TimeTable VALUES('M',5,'a');
INSERT INTO TimeTable VALUES('Tu',8,'c');
INSERT INTO TimeTable VALUES('Tu',8,'b');
INSERT INTO TimeTable VALUES('W',8,'a');
INSERT INTO TimeTable VALUES('W',7,'a');
INSERT INTO TimeTable VALUES('Th',6,'a');
INSERT INTO TimeTable VALUES('Th',5,'c');
INSERT INTO TimeTable VALUES('F',5,'b');
INSERT INTO TimeTable VALUES('F',7,'c');

Now the question is how to exclude those days determined by the
TeachingSaturdays, SchoolVacations, HoliDays tables from the resulting
records? How to modify the WITH RECURSIVE clause:
Days (DayDate, DayOfWeek, WeekNumber) AS (
 (SELECT DayAbbrev FROM DaysOfWeek
   WHERE DayID = CAST (strftime('%w', StartDate) AS int)),
 FROM SchoolYearDates
 WHERE SchoolYear = '2017/2018'


 date(DayDate, '+1 day'),
 (SELECT DayAbbrev FROM DaysOfWeek
   WHERE DayID = CAST (strftime('%w', DayDate, '+1 day') AS int)),
    CAST (strftime('%W', DayDate, '+1 day') AS int)
    - CAST (strftime('%W', (SELECT StartDate FROM SchoolYearDates
                  WHERE SchoolYear = '2017/2018')) AS int)
    + ((CAST (strftime('%w', DayDate, '+1 day') AS int) + 6) % 7 >= 4)
  ) + 52
 ) % 52
 FROM Days
 WHERE DayDate <= (SELECT EndDate FROM SchoolYearDates
         WHERE SchoolYear = '2017/2018')
Days INNER JOIN LessonBlocks
ON Days.WeekNumber = LessonBlocks.WeekNumber
ON Days.DayOfWeek = TimeTable.DayOfWeek

Best, Pali
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