Two points.

1. If any NULL constraint on any vtable is to return no rows, then why does
the vtable code get called in the first place?

2. The shipped extension series.c had some NULL default constraint
behavior.  Are such constraint defaults now bad form?

In other words, the LEFT strength reduction compatibility refinement you
just made fixed the problem.

Since it now works, why is series.c also being changed here?

[Also, why the zeal on series.c but no effort toward an actual segmentation
fault I reported in another shipped extension, eval.c?]


On Tue, Apr 3, 2018 at 6:50 AM, Richard Hipp <> wrote:

> On 4/3/18, Richard Hipp <> wrote:
> >
> > Probably there will be a 3.23.1 patch release later today.
> >
> Or, maybe not.
> If the series.c file is compiled with -DSQLITE_SERIES_CONSTRAINT_VERIFY=1
> then
> the generate_series() virtual table behaves correctly, and Edzard's
> example gives a correct answer both before and after the new LEFT JOIN
> strength reduction optimization is added.
> Without the -DSQLITE_SERIES_CONSTRAINT_VERIFY=1 compile-time option,
> the test case consistently gives the wrong answer.  Here is an
> alternative test case:
>   WITH
>     t1(x) AS (VALUES(1),(2)),
>     t2(y,z) AS (VALUES(2,1))
>   SELECT * FROM t1 LEFT JOIN t2 ON x=y JOIN generate_series
>    WHERE start=z AND stop=2;
> The query above should return only two rows:
>    2 2 1 1
>    2 2 1 2
> But it instead returns 5 rows, because the generate_series virtual
> table is telling the code generate that it does not need to check the
> start=z constraint.  When the start=z constraint is not checked, then
> indeed 5 rows are generated because the query becomes equivalent to
> this:
>   WITH
>     t1(x) AS (VALUES(1),(2)),
>     t2(y,z) AS (VALUES(2,1))
>   SELECT * FROM t1 LEFT JOIN t2 ON x=y JOIN generate_series
>    WHERE start=coalesce(z,0) AND stop=2;
> I'm testing a patch now that causes the LEFT JOIN strength reduction
> optimization to assume that NULL arguments to a virtual table
> constraint can return a TRUE result.  But I'm wondering, since this is
> really a work-around to problems in virtual table implementations, if
> this change warrants a patch release?
> Your thoughts?
> Should we issue 3.23.1 just to work around dodgy virtual table
> implementations?  Or should we just check-in the change and let those
> who want to continue using their dodgy virtual tables either patch the
> issue themselves or wait for 3.24.0?
> --
> D. Richard Hipp
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