assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(pPage->pBt->mutex) );

Inside this stack:

#4          0x0000000103e89384 in releasePageNotNull at sqlite3.c:62589
#5          0x0000000103e87a94 in btreeReleaseAllCursorPages at sqlite3.c:61069
#6          0x0000000103e8ee00 in sqlite3BtreeCloseCursor at sqlite3.c:64809
#7          0x0000000103e8e874 in sqlite3VdbeFreeCursor at sqlite3.c:75079
#8          0x0000000103e8e4fc in closeCursorsInFrame at sqlite3.c:75105
#9          0x0000000103e8d2e0 in closeAllCursors at sqlite3.c:75155
#10       0x0000000103e8ca58 in sqlite3VdbeHalt at sqlite3.c:75642
#11       0x0000000103e482d8 in sqlite3VdbeReset at sqlite3.c:75890
#12       0x0000000103e48224 in sqlite3_reset at sqlite3.c:77871

Called from:
int errcode = sqlite3_reset(_stmt);

Specifically - under what circumstances would this fire? (Not blaming SQLITE 
here - trying to debug my code and understand the assert).

- Deon

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