On Thu, Apr 19, 2018 at 3:37 PM, J Decker <d3c...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Thu, Apr 19, 2018 at 3:22 PM, Keith Medcalf <kmedc...@dessus.com>
> wrote:
>> Actually, nothing in the C or C++ world will "go past" the NULL byte
>> since the very definition of a C string is a "bunch-o-bytes that are
>> non-zero followed by one that is".
>> And sory for the double response; but if C/C++ couldn't handle a NUL
character (the character is 1 L) then spidermonkey/chakra/V8 would have
problems with NUL characters in javascript strings.  But it doesn't.  Why
is that?

> that doesnt' mean you can use a custom token structure that contains both
> the pointer and length of the data. (which it already has)
> sure, using standard C api - strlen, etc sure... but sqlite uses a custom
> function internally sqlite3stlren30  which can easily be extended to take
> the length of the string; but wait, if it was saved, it wouldn't need to be
> called, and a overall performance gain is created.
> the biggest problem is really the internal function '(something)printf'
> which returns a char *, and has no space to return the length, like
> snprintf would.
> and I can easily put nuls into a string....
> char buf[256];
> int len = snprintf( buf, 256, "put a nul %c here and here %c", 0, 0 );
> and the length returned would be 27.
>> If you want to embed non UTF8 text you should be using a BLOB not TEXT.
>> Text means "an array of non-zero characters terminated by a zero byte" and
>> a BLOB means a "bag-o-bytes" of a specific size.
>> Blob means binary; havihng to deal with a binary structure to convert to
> a string and back is ridiculous when the interface already supports storing
> and getting strings with \0 in them.
>> Things meants to work on C "strings" should always stop at the zero
>> terminator.  Failure to do so can lead to AHBL.
> So don't use the standard library.  That was one of the first htings I
> created for my MUD client; a smart text string class.  (I say class in the
> generic term, not the literal, since it was written in C)
>> (Note, this applies to "wide" (as in word) and "fat" (as in double word)
>> and obese (as in quad word) strings as well.  They are a sequence of
>> words/double-words/quad-words/ten-words (whatever) that are non-zero
>> followed by one that is zero -- and the narrow/wide/fat/obese string ends
>> at the zeo value).
> utf8everywhere.org
> No reason to use wide char.
> get good, son. (sorry if that's overly offensive)
> ---
>> The fact that there's a Highway to Hell but only a Stairway to Heaven
>> says a lot about anticipated traffic volume.
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