I have read the excellent page:

I was hoping someone could clarify/confirm the behavior during the
following steps.

On a Windows PC, if I have a SQLite DB open (using system.data.sqlite if
that is an important fact) over a Windows network share, here are the steps
my application performs and I would appreciate if anyone can comment on
whether the locking status I have placed next to each is what should be

1. Open connection (Connection.Open() )   **UNLOCKED
2. Create Command object                  **UNLOCKED
3. Create Reader object                   **UNLOCKED
4. Set reader=Command.ExecuteReader       **SHARED LOCK
5. reader finishes                        **UNLOCKED
6. close reader                           **UNLOCKED
7. destroy reader object                  **UNLOCKED
8. Insert record using Command.ExecuteNonQuery  **EXCLUSIVE LOCK
9. Insert finishes                        **UNLOCKED
10. Destroy command object                **UNLOCKED
11. Close Connection                      **UNLOCKED
12. Destroy connection object             **UNLOCKED

Your insights are appreciated,
Denis Burke
sqlite-users mailing list

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