Dear SQLiters,

I have trouble solving this problem, maybe it is impossible?

I have a table with two columns x and y, both integers. Imagine they are 
coordinates on X-Y plane, dots. I need to find all x's that have more than nX 
dots, and all y's that have more than nY dots. Both conditions must be 
simultaneous in the following sense:

If x=10 has less than nX dots, all dots with x=10 are deleted. Because of 
deletion, y=3 which previously had more than nY dots no longer passes the 
threshold and thus y=3 must be deleted too. This could cause deletion of some 
other x, etc. At the end, number of dots on all vertical lines must be more 
than nX and number of dots on all horizontal lines must be more than nY.

Could this be achieved with SQLite?

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