
I'm experimenting with an email server, Mail In a Box. It's a free product and gives you a mail server in a box with SSL certificates, multiple domains and seems to work well.

One thing it doesn't do is allow people to specify emails to block.

It uses SQLite to store the underlying data necessary to power Postfix. Dr Richard Hipp, add another new application to your list :)

I've worked out how Postfix calls SQLite (pretty easy), worked out what I want to do, and am trying to write a single line of SQL that does it.

The need is that the SQL must generate a single string answer depending on the email address that is fed in through the query. There are no options here, it must return a value even if there is nothing in the table. It is not practical to add a table with every email address that returns OK.

For this example the only strings it can return are 'OK' and 'DISCARD', though the RFC allows other strings. If a query is done on an email and it is blocked then it must return DISCARD (or an action in the action column. If no email is in the table matching then it must return 'OK'.

As a piece of pseudo code this would ne

function GetMailStatus(emailAddress)
        IF emailAddress is present in blocked THEN
return action associated with emailAddress -- Action is normally DISCARD

 return 'OK'

I've created the table

                                           email TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE ,
                      action TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT 'DISCARD')

I can insert values

insert into blocked (email) values('rwillett.dr...@example.com')
insert into blocked (email) values('rwillett+dr...@example.com')

And this is the code that I have written that works but it looks poor to my untutored eyes

select CASE
WHEN EXISTS (select 1 from blocked where email = 'rwillett.dr...@example.com') THEN (select action from blocked where email = 'rwillett.dr...@example.com')
    ELSE 'OK'

In the Postfix query I'll replace

email = 'rwillett.dr...@example.com'

with email = '%s'

so that the email address is passed in.

My worry is that the query has two selects and 'feels' bad. It works but feels dirty...

Is there a better way under SQLite?

Any suggestions welcomed.

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