On May 26, 2018, at 9:43 AM, x <tam118...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> I was sizing the vector beforehand and then timing how long it took to store 
> the RowIDs returned by an sqlite query.

You’re not actually modifying the vector, only allocating it and then not using 
it. A sufficiently smart optimizer might optimize that vector away.

> the mistakenly sized vector only used 8 GB?

How much memory is actually available to your program when it runs, and how 
does that change from run to run?

You say the machine has 16 GB of RAM, but Windows 10 will be using a huge chunk 
of that, and it won’t give all of what it isn’t immediately using to a single 
user program.

It is quite possible you’ve driven your computer into swapping with this test, 
if only to swap out other programs’ pages to disk so that Windows *can* give 
your single program half of the system RAM.

Never forget that your program isn’t the only one running on the machine.  Pull 
up process monitor and put it into the advanced view; you’ll find dozens of 
other programs trying to run at the same time, if only the OS and its core 

> sqlite3_prepare_v2(DB,"select RowID from Big order by RowID",-1,&stmt,NULL);

How representative is this of the real code you intend to write?  If you are 
indeed going to be processing billions of rows in your real DB, you will 
typically either want to be processing the data as you read it in from the DB, 
not re-storing it in a std::vector unprocessed, or you will want to put WHERE 
clauses and such into the query to limit the amount of data you pull to only 
that which you actually require.

If you’re scanning the whole table on every program run, SQL — any dialect — 
isn’t buying you very much.  SQLite is just acting as a data file format for 
you in that case, offering little more above that than a flat data file.  
SQLite is giving you a lot of power here; can you use more of it to get some of 
the benefit of the complexity you’ve bought?

>                v.resize(Size[i]);

As another reply said, this doesn’t necessarily do what you expect it will.  
std::vector is allowed to do several clever things to avoid unnecessary 
reallocations, and you’re leaving the door open to them here.

If you want to ensure that the vector is completely reallocated every time 
through, declare it inside the loop to prevent std::vector from reusing 
previously allocated space.

> What's it got to do with sqlite, if anything? Why was sqlite_step slowed down?

Why do you believe that is the correct diagnosis?  Have you got a fine-grained 
measurement to prove it, such as from a profiler?

Or, have you repeated the measurement in two parts to separate the SQLite 
operations from the std::vector operations?

You’re on the path to Science here, but you’re missing a key tenet: test only 
one thing at a time.  This program of yours tests at least three different 
things — OS memory manager, std::vector memory allocator strategy, and SQLite — 
at the same time without providing a provision to isolate the confounds.
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