I have to agree with Bob! 

We have considered SQLITE for our project.  Going over 500Kbytes puts it
just beyond the size of our Flash - the current Firmware.


On 2018-05-31 11:04, Bob Friesenhahn wrote:

> On Thu, 31 May 2018, R Smith wrote: 
>> Nice idea, but to be honest, I can't remember when last someone cared about 
>> "Kilobytes", and I mean embedded people, not big OSes.
> I work on embedded projects and we do definitely worry about "kilobytes".  
> This is even though our embedded projects have large resources compared with 
> many other embedded projects.  The firmware image for some of our products is 
> consuming all available Flash pages, (except for spares for 
> wear-leveling/repair).
> Many embedded projects are very cost-sensitive since they sell into 
> hyper-competitive markets where being a bit more expensive than the 
> competition results in a lack of sales.
>> The measure of importance is how expensive the DATA storing is, both in size 
>> and write-frequency, when committed to some hardware NANDs. The code store 
>> section of even the smallest modern embedded system will be designed to fit 
>> things many megabytes more than SQLite requires (exceptions may exist, but 
>> are really thin on the ground). So then, whether the operating code is given 
>> in KB or MiB or KiB is, to my mind, not very relevant - and it too will 
>> become untrue in a non-too-distant future.
> Your experience is different than mine.  What NOR or NAND Flash chip are you 
> using on your PCB?  If you are not using a single soldered chip with a 
> specialized flash filesystem (e.g. JFFS2, UBIFS, squashfs on UBI or bare) 
> then perhaps you are just using a small form factor PC which uses components 
> common in laptop PCs.
> Bob
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