On Jun 14, 2018, at 12:31 PM, x <tam118...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> It is Windows Defender I’m using

So does the symptom go away when you turn Defender off?  I would not expect it 
to, but let’s close the loop on this, okay?

> a ms surface pro 4 with 16 GB ram and 512 GB SSD

I think we can provisionally rule out hardware problems, then.  No spinning 
rust, and it’s too new to be running into SSD leveling problems.

>        GlobalMemoryStatusEx(&status);
>        return status.ullAvailPhys / (1024.0 * 1024 * 1024);

That’s going to exclude pages taken by the OS page cache, which I believe is 
important here.

> Available RAM - pre flush = 9.96339 GBs - post flush = 14.7108 GBs
> // why does the RAM drop 4+ GB due to executing the above?, respectable time

That looks like the Windows page cache to me.  If you write the test DB to disk 
instead of holding it in memory, it’s 4.1 GiB, just about exactly your delta.  
Therefore, I believe Windows is at times caching your whole DB for its own 
dubious purposes.

Keep in mind that computers are just very fast idiots.  You cannot expect 
intelligent behavior from them.  They don’t know what you’re trying to 
accomplish; they can only recite some tricks they’ve been taught by nerds.

By default, SQLite will only cache a smidge under 2 GiB, so it cannot explain 
your result:


> sqlite> create temp table tdesc2 as select RowID from test order by RowID 
> desc;
> Run Time: real 117.765 user 28.265625 sys 13.828125
> sqlite> .shell FlushMem
> Available RAM - pre flush = 10.5519 GBs - post flush = 14.6888 GBs
> // RAM drops 4+ GB, time is woeful. Why?

Try doing the test in reverse: flush the caches, do the descending-order copy, 
then do the ascending test.  Do the timings flip?

The actual comparison adds only an integer negation operation down in SQLite’s 
VDBE in DESC mode.  (Currently line 2147 in src/vdbe.c, within the OP_Compare 
opcode implementation.)  That should cause an immeasurable difference in your 

One possible explanation is that a reverse sort will cause Windows to read some 
sequences of memory pages in reverse order, which might play havoc with the 
CPU’s precaching logic.  

Remember those fast idiots?  One of them is in your CPU, and its job is to try 
and figure out which RAM lines the programs you are running will want next, so 
that it can pull them into the L1-3 caches ahead of time, since RAM accesses 
are about 250x slower than register accesses.  

I highly recommend that you watch this non-trivial presentation:


(“Memory and Caches” by Matt Godbolt, a person you should know if you do not 
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