On 6/26/2018 9:15 AM, Csányi Pál wrote:
I have the 'SchoolYearTeachingDays' table with just one column, in
which are dates:

CREATE TABLE SchoolYearTeachingDays (
I filled it with many dates which are unique. These dates excludes
dates for Sundays and for Saturdays. I have another, the
'TeachingSaturdaysInSchoolYear' table:

CREATE TABLE TeachingSaturdaysInSchoolYear (
     id            INT  PRIMARY KEY
     aDate      DATE,
     TimetableForTheDay TEXT
This table holds just two dates. These two dates are for two
Saturdays. On these two Saturdays we have to teach students. When I do
the following query on this table, I get these two records:


I want to INSERT these two dates from the
'TeachingSaturdaysInSchoolYear' table into 'SchoolYearTeachingDays'

I am trying with this query:

INSERT INTO SchoolYearTeachingDays
  SELECT aDate FROM TeachingSaturdaysInSchoolYear
but I get this error: Error: UNIQUE constraint failed:

This means that, despite your assumption to the contrary, at least one of those 
two dates is already present in SchoolYearTeachingDays

Then I get help and this code:
INSERT INTO SchoolYearTeachingDays
  SELECT aDate FROM TeachingSaturdaysInSchoolYear T WHERE T.aDate NOT
IN (SELECT S.aDate FROM SchoolYearTeachingDays S)

This says "insert all dates that aren't already present", which of course 
avoids UNIQUE constraint.

I wish to know followings.
How many times want to inserts the SELECT query the one of the date
from the TeachingSaturdaysInSchoolYear table into
SchoolYearTeachingDays table?

I don't understand this question.

That is: the how many times wants select statement to insert one
record from first table into second table?

Each row in the resultset of SELECT statement is inserted once, of course.
Igor Tandetnik

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