Thanks for all the good background.  FWIW this came up because someone had
created a row with something like:  (column_name non null).  Needless to
say, this created a column without a "not null" constraint.

On Wed, Jun 27, 2018 at 5:02 PM Richard Hipp <> wrote:

> On 6/27/18, Mark Wagner <> wrote:
> > I recently pointed out that sqlite doesn't enforce type names and
> > constraints when creating tables but I was unable to explain/justify this
> > behavior.  I'm sure this has come up before and there's a clear answer
> but
> > I didn't find it easily.
> >
> > For example this is accepted without error:  CREATE TABLE bar2 (x happy
> > days);
> In the early days of SQLite, the goal was to get it to parse the
> CREATE TABLE statements of as many different SQL engines as possible.
> I looked at the supported datatypes of contemporary engines, and they
> were all different.  So to maximize compatibility, I made the decision
> to mostly ignore the "type" and accept any sequence of identifiers as
> the type.  The actual type used it computed according to the following
> rules, in order:
> (1) If the type name contains "INT" then use INTEGER
> (2) If the type name contains "CHAR", "CLOB", or "TEXT" then use TEXT
> (3) If the type name contains "BLOB" then use BLOB
> (4) If the type name contains "REAL", "FLOA", or "DOUB" then use REAL
> (5) Otherwise use NUMERIC
> Those rules are defined here:
> This flexible type-name arrangement works because SQLite is very
> forgiving about you putting non-proscribed values into columns - it
> tries to convert if it can do so without loss of information but if it
> cannot do a reversible type conversion it simply stores whatever you
> give it.  Hence if you store a string '3456' into an INT column, it
> converts the string into an integer, but if you store a string 'xyzzy'
> in an INT column it will actually store the string value.
> After the above decisions were made, SQLite became the most widely
> used database engine on the planet and over a trillion SQLite database
> files got created, and now we need to stick with that original idea
> lest we cause compatibility issues for all that legacy.
> --
> D. Richard Hipp
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