On 28 Jun 2018, at 12:48, Scott Robertson <stumpednom...@gmail.com> wrote:

> SQLite is supposed to autoincrement by default when a column is defined
> as "INTEGER PRIMARY KEY" according to everything I've read. But I've
> only gotten this to work if I let SQLite create its own PK column. If I
> have an explicit PK column, I am expected to specify an ID myself. What
> am I missing? I don't know why I'm getting this error. Thanks.

You've defined the table with three cols so you have to provide three values 
unless you name the cols you wish to fill. To get SQLite to auto increment, use 
NULL as the value fo your id column:

INSERT INTO test2 VALUES (NULL, 'Fletch', 245);

Cheers  --  Tim
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