On 2018/06/30 9:04 AM, Thomas Kurz wrote:

Should those raise errors? Because to SQLite those are the exact same
gibberish as:
I would appreciate if SQLite raised an error each time the declaration 
mismatches the interpretation. In your example, all declarations are well-known 
SQL. And, if I understand correctly, SQLite treats each of those as NUMERIC. So:

a) Yes, error, as I indent to store strings, but SQLite uses numbers.
b) Yes, error, same case.
c) Preferably yes, but not mandatory, as BIT is compatible to NUMERIC
d) No, as DECIMAL ist compatible to NUMERIC.

I'm sorry, upon re-reading I see the real point I tried to make got lost in that I concentrated too much on the physical examples. The real point is that, in c for example, SQLite is not understanding BIT as a type  and it is not responsible for understanding all types used in all database engines. Imagine that you couldn't use BIT in MySQL, it's an MSSQL construct - why do you require SQLite to interpret it?  Moreover, what if a brand new type arise today? Let's call it CAT_MOUSE_DOG as an example, and let's say Oracle, MSSQL and Postgres ALL adopt this new type.

Do you still expect SQLite to error out when you declare a column with that type?

SQLite doesn't "know" which types/conventions will arise in future, hence, since its birth (before many of the modern types) it has allowed UNKNOWN types in the declaration, and then made an effort to guess the best affinity upon it, which works well mostly, but not always. More pertinently, once it does actually lock down a "meaning" upon a type or affinity, it can never go back. It's worth being under-zealous.

As to your statement about the problem with STRING - Yes, let's agree that SQLite dropped the ball on that one many many moons ago (so much so they have had enough backlash [just like your case] that they have amended the documentation to warn about that very specific case. By now there are billions of schemas in the world, many of which might have STRING declarations and have adopted a checking mechanism in their own code to deal with it (much like you might do now), so changing it may harm those implementations.

And yes, you might think (like me) that this is silly and they should just fix it, warning people about the new way for a good few versions, and then just roll it out. But, that would mean there will exist schemas in the World that will be interpreted differently by different versions, and the selfish comfort to me comes when I think: "If I make a DB today that works... it will work for all those years/upgrades to come, and I can trust that it will because if the SQLite Devs won't fix STRING, then they are unlikely to change anything that will harm MY systems."


PS: Anyone here that takes web servers and the like through upgrades to different Apache, or PHP versions, or different MySQL/MariaDB versions will know the effort of re-engineering your work from years ago to fit the new upgrade. SQLite is the only "fire-and-forget" weapon out there, I feel like that feature is worth a few TYPE pains - but that's just my feeling and it might well be antiquated.

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