
I'm trying to build the SQLite.Interop on MAC from the source code located
on System.Data.SQLite.org.


After building the library my application seems to detect it but I get this
error on the Password field :

System.EntryPointNotFoundException: Unable to find an entry point named
"sqlite3_rekey" in DLL "sqlite3"


So I decided to add -DSQLITE_HAS_CODEC=1 to the building script. And now it
doesn't build anymore I get these errors : 

Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64: "_sqlite3CodecAttach", referenced
from: _attachFun in interop-523232.o "_sqlite3CodecGetKey", referenced from:
_sqlite3RunVqcuum in interop-523232.o _attachFunc in interop-523232.o


Have I missed anything or is it just not possible to build it for MAC ?


Thank you,

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