What is the performance without the indexes?

On Sun, 29 Jul 2018 10:20:11 +0100
"Rob Willett" <rob.sql...@robertwillett.com> wrote:

> Update 1
> We've copied the disruptions table to a new table, dropped the old 
> table, copied the new table back in and recreated all the indexes.
> Exactly the sam commit performance.
> We've also tracked the -shm and -wal files and they are around 5MB in 
> size.
> Mmmm.... tricky (as Deepthought said).
> Rob
> On 29 Jul 2018, at 9:14, Rob Willett wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Background
> >
> > We've been refactoring our database to reduce the size of it. Through 
> > some simple logic we've managed to pull out 99% of the data to reduce 
> > the size from 51GB down to approx 600MB. This logic has been to remove 
> > rows that are almost the same but not quite identical. As with all 
> > things, the thinking was the difficult bit, the execution somewhat 
> > easier.
> >
> > As part of the testing we've been doing, we've now hit on an odd and 
> > weird problem to do with the COMMIT statement. A commit of a few 
> > hundred (circa 600-800) rows takes approx 7 seconds whereas before we 
> > never even noticed it, though we now know it was two seconds before. 
> > Each row is probably 1-2K of data, so its not very much at all.
> >
> > Details of what we have tried:
> >
> > 1. We've turned synchronous  on and off
> >
> > PRAGMA synchronous=ON
> >
> > and thats not made any difference.
> >
> > 2. We are using and have been using WAL mode for years.
> >
> > PRAGMA journal_mode;
> > journal_mode
> > wal
> >
> > 3. We've tested that the server copies OK, we get a consistent 
> > 69MB/sec. This is not as fast we would like, but it's the same across 
> > all our virtual servers.
> >
> > 4. We've tested the commit on our existing 60GB database and it takes 
> > 2 seconds, which is longer than we thought it would be. The server for 
> > the 60GB database is a large VPS with 8GB/8 cores and runs Ubuntu 
> > 14.04. The server we are testing on is a 2GB/2 core test server 
> > running Ubuntu 16.04. Whilst the test server is smaller, we wouldn't 
> > expect it to take 3 times longer to do a commit.
> >
> > 5. The code is identical across the servers. We are running Perl and 
> > the DBI module. The code for doing a commit in Perl::DBI is
> >  $dbh->do("COMMIT");
> >
> >   We are getting the expected performance elsewhere on the system and 
> > in the code. It's just the commit that is taking a long time.
> >
> > 6. The code we are committing is adding 600-800 lines to a table that 
> > used to be 200,000,000 rows in size. It's now 400,000 lines in size. 
> > We are wondering if the deletion of the lines has had an impact we 
> > didn't expect. We have vacuumed and analysed the database.
> >
> > The schema for the table we insert into is
> >
> > CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Disruptions" (
> >      "version" integer NOT NULL,
> >      "Disruption_id" INTEGER NOT NULL,
> >      "status" integer NOT NULL,
> >      "severity" integer NOT NULL,
> >      "levelOfInterest" integer NOT NULL,
> >      "category" integer NOT NULL,
> >      "subCategory" integer NOT NULL,
> >      "startTime" TEXT NOT NULL,
> >      "endTime" text NOT NULL,
> >      "location" integer NOT NULL,
> >      "corridor" integer NOT NULL,
> >      "comments" integer NOT NULL,
> >      "currentUpdate" integer NOT NULL,
> >      "remarkTime" TEXT NOT NULL,
> >      "lastModTime" TEXT NOT NULL,
> >      "CauseAreaPointX" real NOT NULL,
> >      "CauseAreaPointY" real NOT NULL,
> >      "Direction" TEXT
> > );
> > CREATE INDEX "Disruptions_Idx1" ON Disruptions ("location" COLLATE 
> > ASC, "category" COLLATE NOCASE ASC, "severity" COLLATE NOCASE ASC, 
> > "levelOfInterest" COLLATE NOCASE ASC, "version" COLLATE NOCASE ASC, 
> > "subCategory" COLLATE NOCASE ASC, "startTime" COLLATE NOCASE ASC);
> > CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "Disruptions_Idx2" ON Disruptions ("Disruption_id" 
> > CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "Disruptions_Idx3" ON Disruptions ("version" 
> > COLLATE NOCASE ASC, "Disruption_id" COLLATE NOCASE ASC, "location" 
> > CREATE INDEX Disruptions_Idx5 ON Disruptions ("status", 
> > "Disruption_id", "Severity", "levelOfInterest", "category", 
> > "subCategory", "version");
> >
> > We have checked that this schema is consistent across the databases.
> >
> > We're about to recreate the table to see if that makes a difference.
> >
> > Any help or advice welcomed.
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> > Rob
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