Puneet Kishor wrote:

Igor Tandetnik wrote:

Alfredo Cole <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

In order to update a progress bar, I need to know the total number of
rows returned by a query, similar to MySQL's mysql_num_rows. Is there
a function like that in the C API? I may have overlooked it, but have
not found it so far.

There is no such function. Most of the time, SQLite does not know how many rows there are in the resultset until they are all actually retrieved. It just produces rows one by one as it finds them.

The only way I know to achieve what you want is to run the query twice, first as "select count(*)" to obtain the count, then again with the desired column list. Depending on the query, "select count(*)" may take as long as the full query, and in some rare cases it may even be slower. Bottom line, it is impractical to try and produce an accurate progress indicator for SQLite queries.

one suggestion has been to create another table with a single row holding the number of rows in your table of interest. Just query that one table for its one value.

Use TRIGGERs on INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE to automatically adjust the value in the table with the row count.

This only works if your select query is returning all the records in the table. If you use where conditions to select a subset of the rows this will fail because any query could return a number of rows that won't match your carefully maintained count.

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