Forgive me if this is the wrong way to do this but I'm a newbie.
I am using version 3.24.0 with FTS5
Is there a way to perform a full text search that returns every row except 
records matching a specified query string?
The following does not work because of a syntax error as the syntax requires a 
query string before the NOT operator: … MATCH 'NOT blah';The following also 
does not work because the * operand cannot be used by itself: … MATCH '* NOT 
blah';In desperation I tried the following which returned data but a seemingly 
random set of data: MATCH NOT 'blah';
I wound up using something like this …
SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE id NOT IN (SELECT id from FullTextIndex WHERE 
FullTextIndex MATCH 'blah');
I think this is much slower on large databases than a full FTS-based query but 
maybe I'm wrong and this is as fast as it gets.
Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
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