On Tue, 31 Jul 2018 18:00:31 +0200, Richard Hipp <d...@sqlite.org> wrote:

On 7/31/18, Yngve N. Pettersen <yn...@vivaldi.com> wrote:
I sent the email quoted below to the list, but
unfortunately, as far as I can tell, I have so far received no response.

I think that means that nobody has an answer.  I don't have any idea
why your system would work well on Win10 but not on Win7.  SQLite
should work the same on both.

I may actually just have found the root cause of the problem.

The distributed executable is built using pyinstaller for Python 3.6, and was built on Windows 10. I started to wonder if this was relevant to the problem, and if building the executable on Windows 7 Pro would help fix the problem.

One of the main "irritants" of this system is that it is warning about some Windows API DLLs that are missing, and is required by Python 3.6. I have previously ignored these warnings.

A bit of digging indicates that these warnings may indeed be relevant to the problem. The DLLs are handled invisibly by Windows 10, but exists on pre-Win10 systems. See <https://github.com/pyinstaller/pyinstaller/issues/1566> and <https://github.com/pyinstaller/pyinstaller/commit/7876ec0f8727e97c60e2e71c42bb1688dd41623d> . One either have to build on Win7 to get these DLLs included, or take some advanced actions when building the executable.

I copied the whole source over to a Win 7 machine, and built it there, and had no problems running the full test without encountering any lock issues, the test was also slightly faster than before, even without the hacks I had used earlier.

IOW: AFAICT If a project using Python Sqlite3 needs to run on Windows 7 and the executable is generated with Pyinstaller, then the easiest way to avoid issues is to generate the executable on a Windows 7 system.

This might conceivably apply to other kinds of projects, too, depending on the build environment.

Yngve N. Pettersen
Vivaldi Technologies AS
sqlite-users mailing list

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