On 01 Aug 2018, at 14:34, Simon White <simonwh...@dciphercomputing.com> wrote:

> I would like to suggest the addition of the "If not exists" to the Add 
> Column feature of SQLite.  There are quite common situations where 
> ensuring a column exists is important so that an update to remote 
> devices will not fail but it is not so important that deprecated fields 
> be removed.  This is often the case with backward compatibility.  New 
> columns will not affect old systems but allows all remote devices 
> running older software to be updated using the same process as new 
> devices.  Once the hardware reaches end of life it will be replaced and 
> the new hardware will use the new columns.  So having the ability to 
> Alter the table with a series of Add Column commands ensures that the 
> new records included in the update are added to the table.  These is 
> especially true for limited remote devices where full database 
> management is not feasible.  In this scenario all that is required is 
> that the required columns exist.  So to be able to alter the table with 
> a standard SQL command is the most efficient method on such devices.  
> Developing scripts to drop and re-create and re-load tables on hundreds 
> of remote devices greatly increases the risk of failures. Having the "if 
> not exists" would remove all of this potential complexity and allow a 
> quick and easy method to ensure the column exists in the table.

I'd like to second this and for just the same reasons. Something like:

   alter table add column if not exists my_new_col ...;

I would find very helpful.

Cheers  --  Tim
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