I need to save text files (let say between 1 KB to 20 MB) in a SQLite DB.

I see two possibilities:

1) save all the content in a single column:

create table content(id integer not null primary key,
                     text blob not null);

2) split the content in lines:

create table line(content integer not null,
                  line integer not null,
                  text blob not null,
                  primary key(content, line));

Some queries will need to extract the whole file, while other queries
will need to extract the text for a range of lines.

According to your experience it is better/faster the first option, the
second option or a smarter option I've not considered?

My partial considerations are:

- 1 is simpler
- 1 leads to faster load
- 1 is slower to retrieve a range of lines (not 100% sure)

Abramo Bagnara
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