The whole fencepost thing is probably doing weird things. Here's my take on it.
This is "time to get from A to B". If you want "Total timespan from A to B 
inclusive" then just add 1 day.

Trying to do the +1 day or -1 day in the middle for the fencepost thing is 
probably what's causing the error you mentioned. With one of the days being the 
1st, the -1 day might leave it on the 31st or the 30th or the 28th or the 29th, 
depending on the start month. Best to just wait to the very end and say "oh 
yeah, plus the start day"

with recursive
dates (startDate, endDate) as (values (:startDate, :endDate)),
yearsTable (startDate, years, months, days, resultDate, endDate)
as (
    select min(startDate, endDate),
    0, 0, 0,
    min(startDate, endDate), max(startDate, endDate)
    from dates
    union all
    select startDate, years + 1, months, days,
        '+' || cast(years + 1 as text) || ' years'),
    from yearsTable where resultDate < endDate
monthsTable (startDate, years, months, days, resultDate, endDate)
as (
    select * from (
        select * from yearsTable where resultDate <= endDate
        order by years desc, months desc, days desc limit 1)
    union all
    select startDate, years, months + 1, days,
        '+' || cast(years as text) || ' years',
        '+' || cast(months + 1 as text) || ' months'),
    from monthsTable where resultDate < endDate
daysTable (startDate, years, months, days, resultDate, endDate)
as (
    select * from(
        select * from monthsTable where resultDate <= endDate
        order by years desc, months desc, days desc limit 1)
    union all
    select startDate, years, months, days + 1,
        '+' || cast(years as text) || ' years',
        '+' || cast(months as text) || ' months',
        '+' || cast(days + 1 as text) || ' days'),
    from daysTable where resultDate < endDate
select  startDate, years, months, days, resultDate
from daysTable where resultDate = endDate;

startDate   years       months      days        resultDate
----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
2004-02-02  0           0           0           2004-02-02
2004-02-02  14          6           1           2018-08-03
1983-07-11  1           1           20          1984-08-31
1984-11-01  1           2           14          1986-01-15
1986-01-16  13          6           0           1999-07-16
1970-01-01  48          7           5           2018-08-06

Leap year

startDate   years       months      days        resultDate
----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
2016-02-28  1           0           1           2017-03-01
2015-02-28  1           0           2           2016-03-01

Around the end of a month

startDate   years       months      days        resultDate
----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
2018-01-15  0           0           30          2018-02-14
2018-02-15  0           0           27          2018-03-14
2016-02-15  0           0           28          2016-03-14
2018-04-15  0           0           29          2018-05-14

-----Original Message-----
From: sqlite-users [] On 
Behalf Of Csányi Pál
Sent: Monday, August 06, 2018 10:55 AM
To: SQLite mailing list
Subject: Re: [sqlite] Using CTE with date comparison

On Sun, Aug 05, 2018 at 01:12:17PM -0600, Keith Medcalf wrote:
> >Some where in the WITH clause above I want to put '+1 day' in the
> >command out there.
> That is because the query does not count the StartDate but does count the 
> EndDate, so if your EndDate is the next day from the StartDate you get 1 day, 
> not two.  You need to move the fencepost created by the StartDate to 
> counteract this (so that, effectively, the starting point becomes the day 
> before the first day, or "day 0") ... This makes the dateY / dateM reflect 
> the date on which, at the completion of that day, the year or month 
> respectively was completed:
>  dates (StartDate, EndDate) as
>    (
>     select '2004-02-02', '2004-02-02'
>    ),
>  yearC (dateY) AS
>    (
>     SELECT date(StartDate, '+1 year', '-1 day')
>       FROM dates
>      WHERE date(StartDate, '+1 year', '-1 day') <= EndDate
>     SELECT date(dateY, '+1 year')
>       FROM yearC, dates
>      WHERE date(dateY, '+1 year') <= EndDate
>    ),
>  years (dateY, years) as
>    (
>     SELECT coalesce((SELECT max(dateY)
>                        FROM yearC), date(StartDate, '-1 day')),
>            coalesce((SELECT count(*)
>                        FROM yearC), 0)
>       FROM dates
>    ),
>  monthC (dateM) as
>    (
>     SELECT date(dateY, '+1 month')
>       FROM years, dates
>      WHERE date(dateY, '+1 month') <= EndDate
>     SELECT date(dateM, '+1 month')
>       FROM monthC, dates
>      WHERE date(dateM, '+1 month') <= EndDate
>    ),
>  months (dateM, months) as
>    (
>     SELECT coalesce((SELECT max(dateM)
>                        FROM monthC), dateY),
>            coalesce((SELECT count(*)
>                        FROM monthC), 0)
>       FROM years
>    ),
>  dayC (dateD) as
>    (
>     SELECT date(dateM, '+1 day')
>       FROM months, dates
>      WHERE date(dateM, '+1 day') <= EndDate
>     SELECT date(dateD, '+1 day')
>       FROM dayC, dates
>      WHERE date(dateD, '+1 day') <= EndDate
>    ),
>  days (dateD, days) as
>    (
>     SELECT coalesce((SELECT max(dateD)
>                        FROM dayC), DateM),
>            coalesce((SELECT count(*)
>                        FROM dayC), 0)
>       FROM months
>    )
> SELECT StartDate,
>        DateY,
>        DateM,
>        DateD,
>        EndDate,
>        years,
>        months,
>        days
>   FROM dates, years, months, days;
> StartDate   dateY       dateM       dateD       EndDate     years       
> months      days
> ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  
> ----------  ----------
> 2004-02-02  2018-02-01  2018-08-01  2018-08-03  2018-08-03  14          6     
>       2

The output of code above is:
WITH RECURSIVE dates (StartDate, EndDate) as ( select '2004-02-02', 
'2004-02-02' ), yearC (dateY) AS ( SELECT date(StartDate, '+1 year', '-1 day') 
FROM dates WHERE date(StartDate, '+1 year', '-1 day') <= EndDate UNION ALL 
SELECT date(dateY, '+1 year') FROM yearC, dates WHERE date(dateY, '+1 year') <= 
EndDate ), years (dateY, years) as ( SELECT coalesce((SELECT max(dateY) FROM 
yearC), date(StartDate, '-1 day')), coalesce((SELECT count(*) FROM yearC), 0) 
FROM dates ), monthC (dateM) as  ( SELECT date(dateY, '+1 month') FROM years, 
dates WHERE date(dateY, '+1 month') <= EndDate UNION ALL SELECT date(dateM, '+1 
month') FROM monthC, dates WHERE date(dateM, '+1 month') <= EndDate ), months 
(dateM, months) as ( SELECT coalesce((SELECT max(dateM) FROM monthC), dateY), 
coalesce((SELECT count(*) FROM monthC), 0) FROM years ), dayC (dateD) as ( 
SELECT date(dateM, '+1 day') FROM months, dates WHERE date(dateM, '+1 day') <= 
EndDate UNION ALL SELECT date(dateD, '+1 day') FROM dayC, dates WHERE 
date(dateD, '+1 day') <= EndDate ), days (dateD, days) as ( SELECT 
coalesce((SELECT max(dateD) FROM dayC), DateM), coalesce((SELECT count(*) FROM 
dayC), 0) FROM months ) SELECT StartDate, DateY, DateM, DateD, EndDate, years, 
months, days FROM dates, years, months, days;

StartDate   dateY       dateM       dateD       EndDate     years       months  
----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  
----------  ----------
2004-02-02  2004-02-01  2004-02-01  2004-02-02  2004-02-02  0           0       

which is wrong because the StarDate and EndDate are the same:
'2004-02-02'. The output should be zero '0' in this case.

I tried this SQL command for three cases. The output of two cases are
the expected, but one is not. See bellow.

1983-07-11' - '1984-08-31'
sqlite> WITH RECURSIVE dates (StartDate, EndDate) as ( select '1983-07-11', 
'1984-08-31' ), yearC (dateY) AS ( SELECT date(StartDate, '+1 year', '-1 day') 
FROM dates WHERE date(StartDate, '+1 year', '-1 day') <= EndDate UNION ALL 
SELECT date(dateY, '+1 year') FROM yearC, dates WHERE date(dateY, '+1 year') <= 
EndDate ), years (dateY, years) as ( SELECT coalesce((SELECT max(dateY) FROM 
yearC), date(StartDate, '-1 day')), coalesce((SELECT count(*) FROM yearC), 0) 
FROM dates ), monthC (dateM) as  ( SELECT date(dateY, '+1 month') FROM years, 
dates WHERE date(dateY, '+1 month') <= EndDate UNION ALL SELECT date(dateM, '+1 
month') FROM monthC, dates WHERE date(dateM, '+1 month') <= EndDate ), months 
(dateM, months) as ( SELECT coalesce((SELECT max(dateM) FROM monthC), dateY), 
coalesce((SELECT count(*) FROM monthC), 0) FROM years ), dayC (dateD) as ( 
SELECT date(dateM, '+1 day') FROM months, dates WHERE date(dateM, '+1 day') <= 
EndDate UNION ALL SELECT date(dateD, '+1 day') FROM dayC, dates WHERE 
date(dateD, '+1 day') <= EndDate ), days (dateD, days) as ( SELECT 
coalesce((SELECT max(dateD) FROM dayC), DateM), coalesce((SELECT count(*) FROM 
dayC), 0) FROM months ) SELECT StartDate, DateY, DateM, DateD, EndDate, years, 
months, days FROM dates, years, months, days;
StartDate   dateY       dateM       dateD       EndDate     years       months  
----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  
----------  ----------
1983-07-11  1984-07-10  1984-08-10  1984-08-31  1984-08-31  1           1       

This is the expected output.

'1984-11-01' - '1986-01-15'
sqlite> WITH RECURSIVE dates (StartDate, EndDate) as ( select '1984-11-01', 
'1986-01-15' ), yearC (dateY) AS ( SELECT date(StartDate, '+1 year', '-1 day') 
FROM dates WHERE date(StartDate, '+1 year', '-1 day') <= EndDate UNION ALL 
SELECT date(dateY, '+1 year') FROM yearC, dates WHERE date(dateY, '+1 year') <= 
EndDate ), years (dateY, years) as ( SELECT coalesce((SELECT max(dateY) FROM 
yearC), date(StartDate, '-1 day')), coalesce((SELECT count(*) FROM yearC), 0) 
FROM dates ), monthC (dateM) as  ( SELECT date(dateY, '+1 month') FROM years, 
dates WHERE date(dateY, '+1 month') <= EndDate UNION ALL SELECT date(dateM, '+1 
month') FROM monthC, dates WHERE date(dateM, '+1 month') <= EndDate ), months 
(dateM, months) as ( SELECT coalesce((SELECT max(dateM) FROM monthC), dateY), 
coalesce((SELECT count(*) FROM monthC), 0) FROM years ), dayC (dateD) as ( 
SELECT date(dateM, '+1 day') FROM months, dates WHERE date(dateM, '+1 day') <= 
EndDate UNION ALL SELECT date(dateD, '+1 day') FROM dayC, dates WHERE 
date(dateD, '+1 day') <= EndDate ), days (dateD, days) as ( SELECT 
coalesce((SELECT max(dateD) FROM dayC), DateM), coalesce((SELECT count(*) FROM 
dayC), 0) FROM months ) SELECT StartDate, DateY, DateM, DateD, EndDate, years, 
months, days FROM dates, years, months, days;
StartDate   dateY       dateM       dateD       EndDate     years       months  
----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  
----------  ----------
1984-11-01  1985-10-31  1986-01-01  1986-01-15  1986-01-15  1           2       

This is not the expected output.
The expected output would be 1 years, 2 months, but 15 days instead.
Why gives it 14 days instead?

'1986-01-16' - '1999-07-16'
sqlite> WITH RECURSIVE dates (StartDate, EndDate) as ( select '1986-01-16', 
'1999-07-16' ), yearC (dateY) AS ( SELECT date(StartDate, '+1 year', '-1 day') 
FROM dates WHERE date(StartDate, '+1 year', '-1 day') <= EndDate UNION ALL 
SELECT date(dateY, '+1 year') FROM yearC, dates WHERE date(dateY, '+1 year') <= 
EndDate ), years (dateY, years) as ( SELECT coalesce((SELECT max(dateY) FROM 
yearC), date(StartDate, '-1 day')), coalesce((SELECT count(*) FROM yearC), 0) 
FROM dates ), monthC (dateM) as  ( SELECT date(dateY, '+1 month') FROM years, 
dates WHERE date(dateY, '+1 month') <= EndDate UNION ALL SELECT date(dateM, '+1 
month') FROM monthC, dates WHERE date(dateM, '+1 month') <= EndDate ), months 
(dateM, months) as ( SELECT coalesce((SELECT max(dateM) FROM monthC), dateY), 
coalesce((SELECT count(*) FROM monthC), 0) FROM years ), dayC (dateD) as ( 
SELECT date(dateM, '+1 day') FROM months, dates WHERE date(dateM, '+1 day') <= 
EndDate UNION ALL SELECT date(dateD, '+1 day') FROM dayC, dates WHERE 
date(dateD, '+1 day') <= EndDate ), days (dateD, days) as ( SELECT 
coalesce((SELECT max(dateD) FROM dayC), DateM), coalesce((SELECT count(*) FROM 
dayC), 0) FROM months ) SELECT StartDate, DateY, DateM, DateD, EndDate, years, 
months, days FROM dates, years, months, days;
StartDate   dateY       dateM       dateD       EndDate     years       months  
----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  
----------  ----------
1986-01-16  1999-01-15  1999-07-15  1999-07-16  1999-07-16  13          6       

This is the expected output.

So I am asking: why is the output of above examples in two cases as I
am expecting, but in other two cases is not?

The expected outputs is good only if does match that value which I am
calculate manually, without SQL query, by using logic that I described
earlier in this thread.
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