Hi Ricardo,

On 15 August 2018 at 06:26, Ricardo Lima <ricardo....@hotmail.com> wrote:
> I built a straightforward program in C. It's just a STACK structure (first 
> in, last out) that takes input from the user and stores it into the stack. 
> After I close the program, all the data vanishes since I don't have a 
> database implemented into the program. Even so, the program runs fine. It 
> allocates memory according to the user's input, and I always validate every 
> allocation.
> In fact, my issue isn't concerning C code itself. It's the implementation of 
> SQLite into the C code. Every stack_node has a value (integer), date (char), 
> and info (char). The wallet structure is the "middle-man" between the 
> stack_node and the DB, and it has the same attributes plus an ID (integer 
> autoincremented). What I'm trying to do is to as soon as the user inputs data 
> (while the program is running) this data gets stored not only in the stack 
> but also in the DB. After the user is done inputting data, I usually use 
> pop_stack() to retrieve the data from the stack onto the screen, but since 
> the data is stored in the DB, it makes more sense just to extract all data 
> from the DB.
> I don't get any compilation errors and the SQLite source files/header files 
> are implemented correctly into the code. I know this because I'm using SQLite 
> Studio ( SQLite GUI) and I see all the attributes from the wallet DB, but 
> they are all empty.
> So, that's my issue. I'm doing something wrong that causes the program to not 
> store the data correctly into the DB.

        if( push_stack( s, value, date, info ) ){
                addData( db, node );

node is always NULL, and addData checks for that, and does nothing...

> --- Is it a waste of memory and running time for the program to create a 
> stack, stack_node etc...to only after all that store the information in the 
> DB? Should I just skip all that and program just for the DB? If so, how would 
> I do that since I would eventually run into the same problem. I'm using the 
> stack because I might have more control over what I can do with the data like 
> adding the values, calculate average expenditure and so on.
> Thank you so much!

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