Hi, I guess my question is: are conditions in the where clause of a instead of delte trigger ignored if the referenced columns are not in the where clause of the orig delete?
But perhaps an example of my 'problem': create table item ( id integer primary key, name text, catid integer ); create table category ( id integer primary key, name text ); create view v_items as select i.name as item,c.name as cat from item i,category c where i.catid=c.id; insert into category values (1,'good'); insert into category values (2,'bad'); insert into item values (1,'me',1); insert into item values (2,'you',1); insert into item values (3,'the rest',2); Now I want to be able to delete using the view so I create trigger del_v_items instead of delete on v_items begin delete from item where name=old.item and catid=(select catid from category where name=old.cat); end; Now I can "delete from v_items where item='me'" or "delete from v_items where cat='good'". Both seem to work as I would like it to, but I don't quite understand why. In both cases I don't specify a value for a column that is used in the where clause inside the trigger. Assuming and using 'NULL' would not work, so what does sqlite do? Just ignore those parts of the where clause that it does not have all the values for? Thnx for your time & Regards, Mark.