On 28 Aug 2018, at 2:50pm, Tim Streater <t...@clothears.org.uk> wrote:

> What is actually the difference between a column declared as TEXT and one 
> declared as BLOB in an SQLite database? What does SQLite do to textual data 
> that I ask it to put into a TEXT column? 

BLOB data is always handled as a block of a certain number of octets, as you'd 

Internally, some handling of TEXT data assumes that it's UTF-8, or perhaps some 
other encoding:


For instance, without testing it yourself or finding a reference, you're not 
entirely sure whether length() of a string proceeds past a NUL, are you ?  
SQlite is written to do the most likely most convenient thing, but it is not 
completely predictable to a programmer who frequently plays with different 

Also, if it's expecting a number, SQLite will sometimes convert a string to a 
number.  However, SQLite has no understanding of BLOB data and will never 
convert it to anything.  See section See section 4.2 of 

There are also some niggles about meta-operations with BLOBs.  For instance, 
the "CREATE TABLE ... AS SELECT" construction handles BLOB values a little 

However, the biggest distinction between these two is not in the SQLite C API 
but in the countless libraries and shims written to allow languages to make 
SQLite calls.  String handling in those libraries can do all sorts of things to 
strings, including terminating them at NUL (as C would expect), parsing them as 
Unicode before returning a value, or internally labelling them as using a 
certain Windows code page.  So most of our questions resulting from unexpected 
string changes result not from the SQLite API but from what happens when a 
programming language tries to understand the string.  None of this should be 
done to a BLOB except under explicit programmer control.

> How does it know not to do that if I want to send some binary data to a Text 
> column?

See section 3.4 of <https://www.sqlite.org/datatype3.html>.  Here you'll find 
demonstrated what happens if you put values of different types into columns of 
different types.

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