Hello, I just did a quick check of SQLite version 3.24.0 with PVS-Studio (https://www.viva64.com), a static code analyzer.

I have singled out a few strange code fragments that the analyzer warned about that I think could be real bugs:

1. ext\misc\fileio.c:207 Last argument of memset() is "sizeof(WIN32_FIND_DATA)", however, the data type of variable "fd" is "WIN32_FIND_DATAW" (NOTE: wide version with W at end). The size of these two data types differ (at least on my machine) and I assume "sizeof(WIN32_FIND_DATAW)" should be used instead. 2. src\insert.c:908 "==" has higher precedence than "&&" so code will be executed as "== (0 && ...)". I assume programmer wanted "((pColumn==0) && ...)". 3. src\os_win.c On lines 3299 and 3306 both if-statements have the same conditionals ("locktype==EXCLUSIVE_LOCK && res"). Based on the comment before the first if-statment maybe it should be "locktype==PENDING_LOCK" in the first if-statement? 4. tool\lemon.c:2860 Before returning on line 2860 you forgot to free() "filebuf".

Regards, Johan Mattsson
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