Schuhmacher, Bernd wrote:
> I am trying to put up a little program using with C#
> under Visual Studio 2017. The Target Framework is dotnet core 2.0
> I imported the nuget Package (Project - manage nuget Package ...) into
> the Project.
> The compilation works fine. But if running the compiled program I get
> an error: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: "Could not load file or
> assembly 'System.Data.SQLite, Version=, Culture=neutral,
> PublicKeyToken=db937bc2d44ff139'. Das System kann die angegebene Datei
> nicht finden." 

The NuGet package "System.Data.SQLite.x64" contains binaries that have
not been tested with .NET Core.  In fact, since it uses the mixed-mode
assembly, I sincerely doubt it can ever work with .NET Core as they do
not support those, e.g.:

Instead, the NuGet package "System.Data.SQLite.Core" should be used;
unfortunately, due to assembly deployment issues with .NET Core, it is
not as simple as it could be:

I'm not quite sure how to address deployment these issues in a portable
(and supported) way.  It appears that I may need to figure out a way to
automatically update the JSON file associated with the application, but
that does not seem like the most elegant solution.

Joe Mistachkin

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