A query that ran fine under SQLite 3.24 is substantially slower in 3.25:

SQLite version 3.24.0 2018-06-04 19:24:41
> .timer on
> select a.id from a join c on a.id = case when c.b_a_name is not null then
c.b_a_id else c.a_id end where a.id in (select a_fts.rowid from a_fts where
a_fts match 'r*' order by rank) group by a.id;
Run Time: real 0.037 user 0.019868 sys 0.016376

SQLite version 3.25.0 2018-09-15 04:01:47
> .timer on
> select a.id from a join c on a.id = case when c.b_a_name is not null then
c.b_a_id else c.a_id end where a.id in (select a_fts.rowid from a_fts where
a_fts match 'r*' order by rank) group by a.id;
Run Time: real 4.525 user 2.055779 sys 2.466143

Performance in 3.25.1 and 3.25.2 is similar to 3.25.0.

The bottleneck seems to be in the CASE portion of the query. I am not sure

To try and make a valid comparison I compiled the versions identically
using the following flags:


Here is the compiler info:
Apple LLVM version 10.0.0 (clang-1000.11.45.2)
Target: x86_64-apple-darwin18.2.0
Thread model: posix

What could be causing this performance hit in 3.25?

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